Code Image Product Name
TL3240SPAV 32/40mm Adjustable Reducing S&P Trap Vented 32/40mm Adjustable Reducing S&P Trap Vented
TL3240SPPOP 32/40mm Adjustable S&P Trap Pop Up
TL3240SPPOPV 32/40mm Adjustable S&P Trap Pop Up Vented
TL3240TPPOP 32/40mm Pop Up Tight P Trap 32/40mm Pop Up Tight P Trap
TL3240TPPOPV 32/40mm Pop Up Tight P Trap Vented 32/40mm Pop Up Tight P Trap Vented
TL3240R 32/40mm Reducer Coupling 32/40mm Reducer Coupling
TL3240SP 32/40mm S&P Trap Versa 32/40mm S&P Trap Versa
TL3240TRSP 32/40mm Telescopic Reducer S&P Trap 32/40mm Telescopic Reducer S&P Trap
TL3240TSP 32/40mm Telescopic S&P Trap 32/40mm Telescopic S&P Trap
TL3240TSPV 32/40mm Telescopic S&P Trap Vented 32/40mm Telescopic S&P Trap Vented
TL3240TTP 32/40mm Telescopic Tight P Trap 32/40mm Telescopic Tight P Trap
TL3240TTPV 32/40mm Telescopic Tight P Trap Vented 32/40mm Telescopic Tight P Trap Vented
TL32P 32mm P Trap Standard 32mm P Trap Standard
TL32S 32mm S Trap Standard 32mm S Trap Standard
TL32TP 32mm Telescopic P Trap Standard 32mm Telescopic P Trap Standard
TL32TS 32mm Telescopic S Trap Standard 32mm Telescopic S Trap Standard
TL-QS470 ANZ 40-32 Drain Pipe conversion 40-32 Drain Pipe conversion
TL40ASP 40mm Adjustable S&P Trap 40mm Adjustable S&P Trap
TL40SPAV 40mm Adjustable S&P Trap Vented 40mm Adjustable S&P Trap Vented
TL40CTMELB 40mm Cut to measure Bend Inlet Accessory 40mm Cut to measure Bend Inlet Accessory
TL40DISH 40mm Dishwasher Attachment Accessory 40mm Dishwasher Attachment Accessory
TL40DBC 40mm Double Bowl Connector 40mm Double Bowl Connector
TL40P 40mm P Trap Standard 40mm P Trap Standard
TL40S 40mm S Trap Standard 40mm S Trap Standard